Son-of-Fire's Learning Landscape Headline Animator

Monday, March 16, 2009

Evaluation: Level 1 - Reaction

Answers the questions – What did participants like about the learning event? How do participants react to content, materials, instructor, medium environment, etc? These are satisfaction and quality measures. These measures are best obtained through the electronic delivery of questionnaires and should either be built into the courseware solution or supported and tracked through a Learning Management System (LMS) so they can be linked, filtered, and reported according to the course and learner demographics. Typical reaction-level evaluations assess quality of content, delivery, learning environment, and operational support. Reaction measures are the most commonly used and relied upon level of evaluation in the industry. They are highly useful when the learner is a customer as higher levels of customer satisfaction predict the likelihood they will return for additional training and thus drive revenue. Although highly relied upon, 35 years of research has noted no relationship what-so-ever between a learner’s satisfaction with the training experience, and his or her behavior and performance on the job.


  1. Ron, you blog posts on the levels of evaluation are clear and to the point. In particular, your emphasis on Level 1 having no bearing on determining a shift in behavior needs to be said again and again. It's my experience that, because most corporate training doesn't include any elements that require the learner to apply what they are learning on the job, the best you can hope for is level 2 -- but mostly level 1 types of results.


Tell me what you think.