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Friday, April 30, 2010

How to Collaborate

With enough hands you can move anything
With enough hands you can move anything...
Collaboration is the act of joining together to make possible that which cannot be accomplished alone.[1] Whether you are collaborating in the workplace, in school or as part of a creative project, collaboration can both help and hurt a project, depending on how it's done.


As a Group

  1. Have a clear goal in mind. Make sure everyone involved understands what the goal is and believes that the goal is worthwhile. The overarching goal of collaboration is to achieve something together that you would not be able to achieve alone. Sometimes that's in the nature of the finished product, but other times the gain is efficiency. Either way, the people who are collaborating should have some kind of shared vision. It may be helpful to make your first collaboration a mission statement.
  2. Create a results-driven structure within your team that is appropriate for the goal you want to achieve. There are three kinds of teams that are commonly used, based on the type of results desired:
    • Problem resolution teams The problem solvers. In order for this team to work, it's especially important that members are able to trust their co-collaborators in a secure atmosphere where they feel respected. brainstorming should be encouraged, which means people must be able to suggest ideas without fear of getting immediately criticized.
    • Creative teams The innovators. This team needs to be independent of established systems and procedures, enabling them to explore new possibilities and alternatives.
    • Tactical teams The implementers. This team needs to have a well-defined plan.

  3. Give each member of the project a way to define their own roles on the team. One way to approach this is to write down all the tasks that need to get carried out. For each task, ask who's interested in that task, and write their names next to it. Ideally, everyone will gravitate towards different roles, but many times a few roles are in high demand, and a few roles are unpopular. A solution to this is to rotate the most unpleasant roles (which are usually monotonous enough for this). Another idea is to outsource the unpleasant task(s).
  4. Establish a communications system. Make sure it allows collaborators to discuss team issues in a relaxed environment. Create ways of documenting issues raised and decisions made. Using wikis and shared documents can help with keeping everyone in the loop.
  5. Establish ways to monitor performance and provide feedback. Periodically, meet together to discuss ways to improve on the project. There should be some metrics by which you can monitor your progress. It might be as simple as how many pages of a book has been written, or as complex as a series of traffic analytics. Try to identify any bottlenecks--that is, areas where something isn't getting done, and that's slowing down the rest of the progress. If that bottleneck points to a single person, do not attack; ask the person what is making their tasks difficult, and seek ways to make it easier.
  6. Seek consensus. Disagreements are common in any group effort. When conflicts arise, seek consensus from all members on resolution. It's important that every person in the group stands behind the group decision, whether they agree with it or not.

As an Individual

  1. Create a collaborative climate. Prove that you are trustworthy. Respect others. Be consistent in your behavior and the way you respond to others.
  2. Be humble and open to others' ideas and suggestions. The opposite of collaboration is a form of dictatorship, where one person tells everyone else what to do, and nothing is open for discussion. Whereas a dictatorship is ego-driven, collaboration thrives on the quelling of egos. You need to accept that while your ideas might be good, someone else's ideas might be good too, and sometimes even better.
  3. Delegate tasks. Rather than trying to do everything, it is best to divide and conquer. Let everyone find his or her strength and work therein to contribute to the common goal. If you feel overwhelmed, speak up.
  4. Assume good faith. Collaboration is based on the common good, and we work most effectively together on the assumption of good faith of one another. If someone is not acting in good faith, it will reveal itself soon enough. But if you point a finger mistakenly, the spirit of collaboration can easily turn sour.


  • Decisions should be made based on consensus.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Play MP3s or MP4s on a Mobile Device for mLearning: Part 4 - mLearning Playback on a BlackBerry

My apologies for being away and not continuing the series. Work has had me very busy and frankly, I am quite thankful for that. When we last hit this topic, we reviewed how to play on laptops, MP3/MP4 players such as the Zune and iPod Touch, most smartphones, and even how to burn to CD so that simple media like this can be played by execs who have been living under a rock and probably want to bring back the 8-Track! So now we get to BlackBerries...

Part 4: Play mLearning on a BlackBerry

Play MP3 > Play on BlackBerry > Play Direct from browser on a BlackBerry

These instructions assume your BlackBerry model has the ability to browse the Web and store downloaded file data. Some BlackBerry models require you set the default browser to Internet Browser as opposed to BlackBerry browser so that the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) does not impose limits on file types or bandwidth affecting file size.
  1. From the appropriate web page or email, click on the hyperlink provided to you for mobile content.
  2. Click on the MP3 title-link you want to listen to.
  3. When prompted to Open or Save select Open.
  4. The MP3 should play from the BlackBerry audio player.
  5. (Note that depending on your connection strength and file size, the file may need to load before it starts to play.)
Play MP3 > Play on BlackBerry > Save to BlackBerry and Play
These instructions assume your BlackBerry model has the ability to browse the Web and store downloaded file data. This solution is useful for playing files locally from the BlackBerry if you expect to lose data connectivity, such as when traveling on a plane.
  1. From the appropriate web page or email, click on the hyperlink provided to you for mobile content.
  2. Click on the MP3 title-link you want to save.
  3. When prompted to Open or Save select Save.
  4. Click Save again when prompted again at the Save file applet.
  5. The MP3 file will save to the default audio directory (device media storage or on a media card if enabled).
  6. Click Music.
  7. Navigate to your MP3 and click to play.
That's it for BlackBerries.